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Police Scotland Application Form Guide

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To apply for a position with Police Scotland and become a Police Officer, you are required to fill out a recruitment application form from their website. This page will provide some Police Scotland application help and valuable tips to ensure you pass the selection stage and progress in Police recruitment process. The four forms must be filled out and are:

  • The main application form;
  • The vetting form;
  • A diversity and equality form;
  • A posting preference questionnaire.

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To submit your application and progress in the recruitment process, you’ll have to submit all forms together, which is done online through the Police Scotland Portal. It is important to remember that positions with Police Scotland are in huge demand and the Police service is flooded with applications. That is why there can be limited spaces in each division. Therefore, it is recommended to contact Police Scotland beforehand, to make sure that the division you’re interested in working for can accept new Police constables.

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The Form

Understanding the reasons behind the form is essential so you can complete the best possible form. There are a variety of reasons that Police Scotland requires you to submit an application form.

However, the most important reason is that the application form forms the essential process of sifting; as Police Scotland receives many applications, they cannot take every applicant who applies to the interview process.

The sifting process, known as the selection process, is the best method to narrow the candidates and to filter out ineligible candidates as soon as they can. Your application should give them an idea of whether or not you’re the right candidate to fill the position.

Some say this is the most important stage, you need to get yourself across in the form, which can be hard!

To fill in the application forms, you’ll have to be sure you can meet the eligibility criteria. Naturally, police officers have a rigorous set of standards and expectations which applicants must meet.

Here are the eligibility requirements to be eligible for Police Scotland application.

Eligibility Criteria


The applicant must be 17 years and 6 months old to be eligible for the position, but candidates cannot be appointed a police constable until they are 18. Police Scotland doesn’t have a maximum age limit for recruitment; however, most constables retire around the age of 60.


It is vital to show that candidates have physical fitness. To demonstrate that, Police Scotland will ask you to complete a multi-stage fitness test, also known as the MSFT. To take this test, you must attain a score of 5.4.

Residency and Nationality

To be eligible for the position, you must prove either being legally a British citizen, a citizen or a resident of EEA or Switzerland or have the legal right to reside and work in the United Kingdom. Police Scotland will also consider applications from commonwealth citizens and foreign nationals. However, applicants need to prove that there aren’t any limitations on their time within the UK. Additionally, you should be able to demonstrate proof of three years’ residence within the UK.


Police Scotland do allow tattoos; however, certain tattoos may affect your appointment. If you’ve got tattoos that are deemed offensive or are in danger of affecting the image of the Police, they may refuse your application.

These are the rules for tattoos

  • You cannot have face tattoos.
  • If you do have tattoos, you must describe the type, size, and location to the Police. Tattoos shouldn’t undermine the integrity of the officer. Tattoos shouldn’t cause any offence to the public or any other person. Candidates will be disqualified if they have tattoos that are considered offensive or obscene, racist, sexually explicit, homophobic, violent or intimidating.

Having covered the eligibility requirements and the application form, let’s examine the application form itself. 

Police sign on side of station

The Application Form

Area of Residency

In the initial portion of the form, you’ll be asked to choose your current geographic area, where you live.

Personal Details

In the following section of the application, you’ll have to fill in your personal information, which is self-explanatory.

Motivations and Values

The third portion of Police Scotland’s application form is probably the most crucial part. In this section you will be required to answer several questions about your motives for joining the Police force and how you perceive Police Scotland as an organisation. Questions about motivations and values are fundamental questions designed to understand your character and determine if you’re a good candidate for the organisation. Again, the Police must ensure that you’re applying for the right reason. They are looking for candidates applying to have the same values as police officers, who want to impact the community and protect the public. 

The questions on values and motivations will likely test how thoroughly you’ve researched the job description and the role of the Police. The Police want to know that you know what you’re getting yourself into and that you will not give up when it gets tricky. They also want to know that you genuinely have the desire to work for them. Conducting extensive research before applying will prove to the Police that you are committed to the job and are enthusiastic about the possibility of working for them. Speak to a local officer to find out what the day-to-day job is like, this will give you a far greater understanding then watching tv shows!

You’ll usually be given a word limit of 200 words to answer each question. It’s not many words at all, and it’s essential to make every word count. It is also crucial that your spelling, grammar and punctuation are up to standard. If the assessors go through the form and find paragraphs with mistakes, your application will likely be rejected. You must check all your answers thoroughly before submitting them. Get family members to read over the application before applying.

There will be seven questions to answer in this portion of the form. As you will only be given 200 words max per question, you must ensure that your answers are simple and to the point. Be patient in answering the question, and consider the words you’re writing. You shouldn’t use any slang words or waffle too much. Additionally, you must also make sure that you have answered every question. If you do not answer any questions, your application could be denied.

Application Form Questions

Q1. Please give a brief personal statement regarding your application for the position of Police Officer (400-500) words known as the police Scotland application personal statement.

This is the very first question you will be asked when filling out your application. The best way to answer this question is to be truthful! Consider the reasons and why you would like to join Police Scotland. What inspired you to become a constable? Why does Police Scotland work make you feel inspired? Look over the goals and objectives of Police Scotland on their website. Do you have the same objectives, if so tie them into your statement? Write about yourself, your life experience, tell them if you have travelled or had relevant work experience!

Q2. Police Scotland values are Fairness, Integrity, Respect and Human Rights. What values are important to you, and how do you practise these values in your own life? (200 words)

These values are a common theme throughout the recruitment process. Keep in mind that the goal is to show Police Scotland more about you and the reasons you’d make an ideal police officer. Look through the values and pick 1 or 2 of them. Then, write about how you incorporate these into your day-to-day life.

Q3. Please describe your own development journey and how this has helped shape you? This could include educational achievements at school, college, university or other vocational training and work experience. (200 words)

As we said in the introduction, Police want to know what you’ve achieved and your accomplishments. They’ll want to see the level of dedication and passion from the beginning and not just after you’ve been given the job. So show them what you have been doing to develop yourself before applying to the Police. Did you help out in the community? Do you work as a security guard? 

Q4 A Police Officer requires to be physically and mentally in good health. Please describe what you do to maintain a good level of general fitness and health? (200 words)

The main thing you need to do as a Police officer is to stay physically fit and healthy. This isn’t a trick question; let them know what you are doing to remain in good shape and health, whether it’s going to the gym three times a week or participating in a local sports team.

Q5. What preparation have you undertaken before making this application to ensure that you know what to expect and to ensure that you are prepared for the role of Police Officer? (200 words)

We’ve already mentioned that Police Scotland wants to know that the candidates have done extensive research before submitting their application forms. The most important thing is to employ someone who won’t leave within two weeks because they didn’t understand the role of a Police officer. Research also indicates that there is enthusiasm for the job. Research the role of an officer in-depth, and ensure you know what to expect.

Q6. Policing is about ensuring the well-being and safety of the public and our communities. Please describe what you would bring to Police Scotland to enhance our ability to keep people safe?

Concentrate on one aspect, then expand on how you think this will benefit the Police and the communities it serves. Tie this in with the values to show your knowledge.

Section 3: Employment History

The next step involves your previous job history. Here you’ll need to complete your employment history, which includes the job title, dates of departure and start date, and the reason you left. You must also declare whether you’ve ever been the subject of any misconduct or disciplinary investigations during your employment. Every applicant who applies to Police Scotland will be vetted since it is crucial for the organisation to ensure they’re hiring the right kind of person, so just be upfront and transparent.

Prior Service

You’ll be required to state whether or not you’ve been a part of a police force before or served in HM forces or any other country’s military. If you have, let them know. 

Business Ventures

Within this area, you’ll have to record any business ventures you’re currently involved in. Some business endeavours between you and your relatives could hinder you from becoming a police officer. Again be truthful, as the Police will find out through their vetting process.

Previous Application

Let them know if you’ve ever made an application for a position with Police Scotland or another force as a constable, special constable, or police cadet.


At the end of the page, you’ll have to sign a declaration stating that all information you’ve given is true and correct and that you’ve been honest. The form also gives you an additional space in which you’ll be able to enter any other information you believe Police Scotland should know about. After your application form passes the assessment, the next stage in the recruitment process is the entry test.

Tom Brook

Tom Brook

I am a former Police Detective with years of knowledge and experience in investigating serious crimes across Scotland, working with communities and keeping the public safe. I aim to give back to the Policing community with this site!
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